Don’t be shy, grab a candle and step inside the studio! Our young narrators are ready to describe the master artists they are about to assist today. Whether it is running errands for them, holding up a light for them to see better, or even getting them their lunch, we are brought into the artists’ world and their daily life of painting like never before. Around the room are their masterworks, fully illustrated, in this whimsical 32-page day-in-the-life of a painter–and not just any painter. Meet Goya, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Monet and Van Gogh. Just remember… don’t forget their lunch!
Brush With Greatness Vol.2 (Set of 5)
Author: Various
ISBN: 9781624693311
eBook ISBN: 9781624693311
List Price: $132.50
School and Library Price: $99.40
Brush With Greatness
Set of 5 books
ISBN: 9781624692451
List Price: $132.50
School and Library Price: $99.40